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In March 2008, the marriage was formally ended, and the divorce was finalized in July 2009. On July 3rd, 2007, Knoxville filed for divorce from his wife. When Tremaine is punched by Tremaine with a boxing glove, his daughter’s voice can be heard in the credits for “Jackass Number Two,” and she is also a part of “The Making of Jackass Two” on the DVD.Ī year after their eleventh wedding anniversary, the pair divorced in July 2006. Their first child was born on January 4th, 1996, and she is their only child. On May 15, 1995, Knoxville married Melanie Lynn Cates. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Movie: Leonardo de Caprio (2014). Knoxville has appeared in films such as Men in Black II (2002), A Dirty Shame and Walking Tall (both 2004), The Dukes of Hazzard, The Ringer, and Lords of Dogtown (both 2005), The Last Stand (2013), and Skiptrace (2016). The Jackass series will conclude with Jackass 4.5, according to reports. First, in the series with a plot, Irving Zisman appeared in Jackass Presents: Bad Grandpa (2013). The first Jackass film was released a year later, with the second and third installments released in 20, respectively, by Knoxville and his co-stars. Since 2000, he has been best recognized for his role as a co-creator and star of the MTV reality stunt show Jackass. Stuntman, Actor, professional wrestler and filmmaker Johnny Knoxville (Philip John Clapp born March 11, 1971) is an American stuntman, actor, professional wrestler, and filmmaker.

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